What Exactly Does A Franchise Broker Do?

If you are interested in franchising, you have probably already begun looking at prospective franchises. But you have a million questions. How do you choose the right franchise for you? How much will it cost? How long will it take before I am in business. What is the industry reputation of a franchise? Where do I begin?

Well, a good place to begin is to contact a Franchise Broker, which brings up yet another question: What does a Franchise Broker do?

First of all, we do not sell franchises. Franchisors do, however, compensate brokers for guiding quality candidates through the process of selecting and acquiring a franchise. This does not cost you anything.

The job of a franchise broker is manifold, but essentially they perform two basic functions to prospective Franchisees:

  • provide education about franchising
  • guide Franchise Candidates through the process of selecting and acquiring a franchise.

Purchasing a franchise is a big decision with life altering possibilities. It is the job of the broker to help ensure that the Franchise Candidate makes the best decision possible about the kind of business that they will be running for the next 10, or 20, or 30 years.

To accomplish this a good broker should do the following:

  • identify the personal and business characteristics most important to the Franchise Candidate
  • create a personal business profile of the Candidate
  • match the Candidates qualifications, skills and requirements to appropriate franchises
  • get the Candidate the information necessary to make a decision
  • introduce the Candidate to the decision makers of the franchises they choose
  • act as an intermediary between the Candidate and the franchisor

If you are considering purchasing a franchise, don’t go it alone.

Contact us at OnlyFranchises. com and let us take some of the burden and the indecision from the process of selecting and acquiring your dream franchise.